Tuesday, November 13, 2007

on Veterans' Day

Thank you
I don’t want to be political.
Or trite.
Here’s what I want to say:

Thank you.
To every vet.
To every reserve.
To every serviceman and servicewoman on duty.
To their families.
I can’t thank you enough.

Today was Monday.

Millions of us Americans woke up this morning to yet another day.
We yawned, we drank our coffees, we groaned about yet another week of work or school.

Thank you for your incredible sacrifices so that we could work and learn freely.

So that we could go about our mundane lives and enjoy the Veterans Day sales or the federal holiday.

Thank you.

If I am lucky enough to ever have children, one of the things that I want to pass on is this gratitude.
For the vets who have protected us from some of the greatest dangers and evils history has ever known.
For those on active duty, whether stationed at home or abroad, who continue to keep us safe.
For the reserves, those who are willing to serve at a moments notice.
For the families who have let these men and women do their jobs.

I am grateful. And I want both my generation and the next to feel the same.

Happy Veterans Day.